For youth and families to thrive in a safe and healthy environment, communities must address the numerous risk factors that lead to the early use of alcohol and other drugs, often the first step on a path to addiction.
The statewide system of Prevention Hubs provides evidence-based prevention education, interventions, strategies, and programs to support all sectors of our community, including youth, parents, schools, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, etc.
The Prevention Hub of Mercer County is hosted by Mercer Council on Alcoholism & Drug Addiction and connects residents and professionals with prevention resources and services, building resilience in our local communities.
Warm Line
The Mercer County Prevention Warm Line is a clear connection point to access both evidence-based prevention programs for youth and families, as well as information and referral for those in need of assistance with navigating local and state family support services being offered by the Prevention Hub and beyond.
Trained staff are available on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to connect callers to local and state-level resources and other supportive services.
Warm Line Contact Information
Call 609-396-5874, selecting Option 3, or email PreventionHub@mercercouncil.org. Emails will be answered in 1-2 business days.
About the Mercer Council Prevention Hub
In late 2021, the Mercer Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County was designated as the Mercer-County-Specific Prevention Hub thanks to a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) and the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS).
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition will collaborate with the New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) to establish a statewide Infrastructure of Prevention Hubs in every county providing access to evidence-based prevention information and resources for all sectors of the community including youth, parents, schools, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, and more.
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition will provide a clear access point for services with staff coverage for calls and emails. The agency will ensure the community is aware of services and has easy access through its website, email, and phone number. Agency staff will include experts to provide face-to-face technical assistance and trainings as needed and appropriate.
Prevention Hub Services

PreVenture is a 2-week evidence-based prevention program that uses four different personality interventions. The program’s goals are to promote mental health, increase skill development and delay substance use among youth. At its core, the program aims to provide youth with cognitive behavioral skills to help them cope with the multiple challenges many teens face, such as academic stress, peer pressure, and interpersonal conflict. In addition, the program identifies at-risk youth through a universal screening tool.
Grades: 7th to 12th
Group Size: 4 to 10 students in each group.
Length: Total of 2 lessons for 90 minutes each session
Grant funding may be available for implementing this program. For more information, call 609-396-5874, Option 3

Strengthening Families
The Strengthening Families Program is a program for families with any children ages 6-11 and is especially useful for those who have been a part of the court system and /or struggle with homelessness and/or hunger. Other ages are welcome. It is meant to help adults foster protective factors in children and help children with respect/boundaries with authority figures. It is a program meant to work through family conflict, conflict resolution, parenting styles, and child empowerment.
With this program, we can offer many incentives for the 7 to 14-week family commitment:
- We will have childcare for those who bring children of different ages and extra programming for those who are older
- Transportation will be provided – we are still figuring out what exactly that looks like. Whether it’s a bus, gas cards, or bus passes.
- Dinner will also be provided and we will make as many exceptions as possible for dietary restrictions.
- Families will be put in a raffle weekly for a grand prize, a family-centered activity, as well as gift cards and other incentives.
- Families who come have to attend a minimum of classes to qualify for large incentives.
To participate in this completely grant-funded, free program, please email PreventionHub@mercercouncil.org or call 609-396-5874, Option 3

Over-the-Counter Medications
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County have been educators and advocates for responsible use and disposal of Over the Counter (OTC) medication for many years. Due to the efforts of their partnership with several community partners, every municipality in Mercer County has a medicine drop box for drug disposal. Several Council prevention educators are trained in OTC curriculum and incorporate it within several training modules.
The Council and Coalition stay involved in community efforts to properly keep, protect, and dispose of OTC and prescription drugs properly, and work with area pharmacies, senior organizations, and law enforcement to assist with these efforts. In addition, the social media pages for the Coalition and Council feature a prevention “tip” every month about OTC and prescription drug care and safety.
If your group or organization would like to know more, please email PreventionHub@mercercouncil.org or call 609-396-5874, Option 3

Marijuana / Cannabis Education
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County have been active in Marijuana and Cannabis education for over a decade. As the legislation was being crafted, MCADA and the Coalition advocated for sensible, safe, and protective legislation that would use prevention and education to protect the developing minds of youth. After the legislation was passed, MCADA and the Coalition extended technical support to municipalities throughout Mercer County and developed a guide about the deadlines and explanations that were used statewide.
The Council and Coalition continue to be a top resource for municipalities, schools, and other youth-serving organizations in outlining safe and healthy brain development, and helping communities understand responsible use. Several evidence-based and informed lessons, modules, and presentations are available and are offered at schools, town hall meetings, and as part of the technical support the Council and Coalition offer to municipalities.
If your group or organization would like to know more, please email PreventionHub@mercercouncil.org or call 609-396-5874, Option 3

Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County have been working with the New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) to develop statewide toolkits for important issues that communities care about. Currently, there are many toolkits in development, and existing toolkits on how to use the Strategic Prevention Framework, Vaping and Nicotine, and Young Athletes and Opioids.

Municipal Cannabis Policy
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County have been working with the New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) to develop statewide toolkits for municipalities to use with the new and changing Cannabis legislation. Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County offer technical support to help municipalities develop their own policies and practices to best address their community’s needs with the emerging cannabis industry.

School Marijuana Policy
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County have been working with the New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) to develop statewide toolkits for schools to use with the new and changing Marijuana legislation. Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County offer technical support to schools to help them develop policy and programming to meet the changing needs of students and the changing landscape of policy.

Promoting Screening
Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County aim to promote awareness of screening tools to assist in evaluating student, patient, or family member’s needs in regard to substance use. Screening tools can offer insight and guidance that might not emerge during routine visits or appointments that help direct people to needed services. Mercer Council and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County rely on pre-existing screening tools and inform concerned partners of when training in the use of these tools is available.
This project was supported by SABG Covid Supplement Grant TI083538 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Part of the Statewide Program