Our work is not possible without the generous support of donors. Your gift, of any amount, will help us to support the programs, services and events that we implement throughout Mercer County.
Please consider joining us, as we seek to reach as many individuals and families in our community as possible — with education, support, and hope for the future.
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Mercer Council on Alcoholism & Drug Addiction provides services to individuals, families and communities across Mercer County. Throughout our 45-year history we have worked hard to reach as many people as possible with our prevention, early intervention, and harm reduction programs, services and resources.
A donation to our agency would continue to support our mission of creating pathways to reduce substance and behavioral health related challenges.
We appreciate your support of our Prevention Coalition and Youth Coalitions of Mercer County! Your giving is crucial to our work, as we seek to make a difference in the community. The more you get involved, the more we see the community benefit!
The Geetha Arulmohan Scholarship Fund was created in memory of Geetha Arulmohan, who held the title of Executive Director of Mercer Council for over fourteen years, before her passing in 2017. It was Geetha’s personal mission to reduce the devastation caused by addiction in the Mercer County area; her dedication to her work was well-known in the community.
It is our hope that this scholarship fund will work to raise up the next generation of local leaders in the prevention field!